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Lone Mountain


子供の頃から言語の勉強・習得プロセスに興味があって、アメリカ・日本の大学で応用言語学を専攻しました。管理職の経験を含めて教育業界で9年間働いています。今までの経験で学ばせて頂いたことを独立して活かせることが一つの目標として2021年4月にYasin YavuzとPortal English Academyを創業しました。



David 1

David Shaner
(デイビッド シェイナー)


Yasin Yavuz
(ヤースィン ヤブズ)

広島大学で「外国語教育」を専門として勉強しました。大学院を卒業してから、広島の英会話スクールの校長を5年間勤めていました。2021年4月からPortal English Academyの代表として大学・大学院の専門知識と5年間の校長経験を活かして、幼児・大人に最適な英語教育を提供していきたいと思います。






PT (5)

Phil Thompson

Hi, I'm from Melbourne Australia . I have traveled extra around the World and lived in many countries and have been teaching English for 12 years. I have taught in Thailand,China and now in Japan. I really enjoy teaching English to people of all ages especially here in Japan as it's such an interesting Culture and the people are very friendly. Come and learn English with us here at Portal and open up a whole new World to explore !!

Hello, I'm Kento! Originally, I'm from Venezuela but having lived in several countries worldwide, English has been ingrained into my daily life for many years. Teaching English has become my passion over the years, witnessing students' progress and their ability to articulate in English brings me joy. During my leisure time, I indulge in diverse music genres, explore documentaries, and cherish moments of laughter with my friends. Despite my global ventures, I find solace in Hiroshima's tranquil pace and captivating scenery. I eagerly anticipate meeting and teaching new students, fostering a fun and enriching learning experience together!

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Kento Torres

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